Thursday, February 12, 2015

Violence in The Media

  1. How severe are teenagers affected by the violence in the media?
  2. Have teenagers lost empathy to real violence because of all the violence they see in the media?
  3. Do teenagers feel acting violent is not that wrong because they see it in the media?
  4. Are any teens upset by the amount of violence they see in the media?
  5. Do teens realize how much violence they see on a daily basis? 

1. Recent studies show that teenagers see about 200,000 acts of violence on television alone and 40,000 of those are murders. This shows that the amount of violence they see on a day to day basis is extremely severe. The fact that the violence that they see is on television also shows how easily accessible it is and how it is just in their daily lives at home.

2.  Teenagers haven't completely lost empathy to all violence but it's only assumed since it is hard to record how a teen reacts to real life violence like a murder. Some violence like fights have lost their shock and are more enjoyed if anything. A murder however is still fairly uncommon other than in the media so it is difficult to say how a teen would react to a real life murder.

3. It's easier for a younger child to be influenced by violence in the media than for a teen. If a teenager was raised with a lot of violent media it is very possible that they may act more violent than they should. It is unlikely though for a teen to just see some violence in the media on some days and automatically feel the need to act violence unless they are extremely easily influenced.

4. Most teens realize the amount of violence they see in the media and even realize that it is a bit of a problem, as can be seen on my survey results, but none really do anything about it. I personally don't believe that teens are upset by the amount of violence they see because they believe they can handle it. They think that if they can make sure they are not influenced by the violence by the media it is not a problem but they may not realize when it is influencing them.

5. The survey suggests that teens do realize how much violence they see on a daily basis. They are most likely so used to it at this point and realize violence is what sells so there is no point in trying to fight seeing violence in the media. They don't see it as a problem as was stated in the previous question but more of what has become the norm in society.    


Beresin, Eugene V., M.D. "The Impact of Media Violence on Children and Adolescents: Opportunities for Clinical Interventions." The Impact of Media Violence on Children and Adolescents: Opportunities for Clinical Interventions. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.

"Violence." Teen Health and the Media. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2015.

Earles, K. A., Randell Alexander, Melba Johnson, Joan Liverpool, and Melissa McGhee. "Media Influences on Children and Adolescents: Violence and Sex." Journal of the National Medical Association. National Medical Association, n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2015.


Do you think there is too much violence shown to teens in the media?
  - Of 50 people surveyed 34 said yes and 16 said no
  - To conclude most people believe there is too much violence shown to teens in the media.